Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
snowwww!!!!! (dance)
latest #7
GoSpeed says
12 years ago
yay! Snow down here in Charles Town too!
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
the channel 7 weatherman last night said zero percent chance of anything east of the Alleganies. :-P
GoSpeed says
12 years ago
his SnowTracker is a piece of crap!
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
it sure is; lol
Sachiv says
12 years ago
Have snow on the ground too still!
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
all ours melted in less than 24 hours, aside from some shady spots; but more in the forecast for Wednesday.
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
so far this has been one of the least snowy winters since I've lived in Maryland.
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