Mr Fowler says
15 years ago
i love KimChi noodle bowls
latest #13
frappelattes likes
15 years ago
kimchi in small doses
frappelattes says
15 years ago
i heard its really good for you tho
Mr Fowler says
15 years ago
all it really is is cabbage and fish oil with mad spice. its gotta be good for ya when it tastes that good
frappelattes hates
15 years ago
cabbage. cooked cabbage tho
frappelattes says
15 years ago
there are a lot of veggies that i love raw but cooked is gross to me. except carrots, which taste better cooked
frappelattes says
15 years ago
sauerkraut is sooo delish
frappelattes says
15 years ago
so that is an exception!
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