IT's got a lot of work cut out for them
yeah hopefully everyone doesn't... disappear all at once...
LMAO then it would be pretty much impossible
but with a couple dozen or so people suddenly cluelessly gaining powers... haha...
souji's worst nightmare. everyone's worst nightmare.
man he needs to find time to come visit.
and all the pressure is on, at least until the first groups are rescued and told about the exit and how to enter through Junes
and then if more people fall in, they can at least break up into groups and search
yeah, exactly. there will be more responsibility but more people to spread it between as more and more people learn how it's done.
It's okay to assume a character shook hands with the gas station attendant this day, right?
yes! it won't be played out, but you can assume it or reference it.
in that case, go with whichever method makes sense for your character. usually the handshake is reserved for those who won't
easily accept their shadows or don't have a shadow.
if you submitted a potential shadow and think your character has a relatively decent chance of accepting it, we'd prefer you went with that
but if not, feel free to use the handshake.
Wait, so if characters have a relatively easy chance of accepting their shadows, should we have them go into their dungeon? /confused
Yeah, that's my issue too with an app I'm working on.
you CAN have someone who would accept their shadow without a fight go through that whole dungeon experience. that's up to you.
it is sort of anticlimatic, though.
so if you'd rather do the handshake in that case, that is an option as well.
the only real rule (that is actually very hard to enforce without pulling up every person's app), is that if you put
"i want him/her to fight their shadow", please stick to that.
/waits for the opportunity to confront Shadows
>nanna is blind
>if handshake happens, it's entirely possible for nanna to wander into a tv without knowing it
yes, it would
losing her is kind of, um
since she is like supposed to be the reincarnation of a Legendary Hero and WHERE THE FUCK IS NANNA
/why yes that's the most important part to notice for Kou
yeah kou doesn't care about that tv world stuff, pfft.
unless his entire team ends up missing