universalperson shares
12 years ago
[anime and cable news] I guess Japan is Hollywood now.
latest #8
$windle clau$
12 years ago
mackens pls
12 years ago
We see here, children, an example of the human species mentally devolving back into fish.
mackens pls
12 years ago
Because that is the only explanation for how dumb people are lately.
12 years ago
"AMERICAN JOBS" - my impression of Lou Dobbs.
$windle clau$
12 years ago
comparing fox news to fish is an insult to fish everywhere
12 years ago
He's just bad.
mackens pls
12 years ago
duotastic: You're right, i should go apologize to the fish. And the first that my mind immediately jumped to after.
mackens pls
12 years ago
dirt not first what
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