Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
I've noticed that people are typically (to a certain extent) tolerant of others not always looking their best in RL.
latest #15
Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
But in SL, you're outcast for it.
Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
or, at least, judged more heavily.
Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
but that would also suggest that it's true that we're always judged on how we look. I think it applies to RL, but we've become more
Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
complacent and understanding. Whereas in SL we just go with the notion of you not having any excuse to look amazing.
Nora says
12 years ago
In RL, people judge and judge harshly they just don't say it since they'd have to look you in the eye. In SL they can hide behind a keyboard
potato boyo
12 years ago
Which does not endear me to SL
potato boyo
12 years ago
I often feel like plurk (and similar venues) is like the breakfast club.
potato boyo
12 years ago
Many people who like me / friend me / get to know me here wouldn't look at me twice if they had met me in person first.
potato boyo
12 years ago
I'd just be the weird kid with the flare gun and the broken lamp.
Nora says
12 years ago
boyo: (evilsmirk) I think that lamp works just fine
potato boyo
12 years ago
potato boyo
12 years ago
there goes my flare gun...
Nora says
12 years ago
Wha? (lmao)
12 years ago
(lmao) (girlkiss)
12 years ago
I think some of this is just wired into our biology. It's one of the best parts of electronic community I think.
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