Mostly, doing something incredibly dickish or stupid and making everyone hate me forever and ever, amen.
I also worry that I come off as a whiny complainer. Though I do know I need to be more proactive about things instead of just fretting.
And I realize I have a tendency to blurt out "MAYBE I SHOULD DROP" which...looks like I'm whining for asspats when that's not
I generally mean it in a "there are aspects of this hobby I am not so good at and maybe I would be better off cutting my losses and
investing my energy in another hobby instead of driving myself nuts over one I'm not cut out for" sort of way.
/nodnod, can understand this
haha I'm glad it makes sense. :B
Sometimes I'm on top of the world regarding all things RP-related and other times I'm all...
">:[ I suck at this I'm going to take up crocheting."
There are things I need to keep working on. I enjoy RPing once I actually take some initiative and get to it.
It's just that getting there takes omg effort.
Wow look at me ramble. :|