Argent bilang
12 years ago
love this conversation: m:i love you so much but.. I will never be one of those women Denis
latest #8
Argent says
12 years ago
m: who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband
Argent says
12 years ago
m: or remote and alone in the kitchen doing the washing up for that matter
Argent says
12 years ago
d: we'll get a help for that
Argent says
12 years ago
m: no, one's life must matter, Denis
Argent says
12 years ago
m: beyond the cooking and the cleaning and the children
Argent says
12 years ago
m: one's life must mean more than that. I cannot die washing up a tea cup. I mean it Denis
Argent says
12 years ago
m: say you understand
Argent says
12 years ago
D: THAT'S WHY I WANT TO MARRY YOU, MY DEAR .... (i think the answer so romantic) Iron Lady
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