Russia and The Darkness. (Seems somewhat fitting. o=o)
Russia actually has no problems with Vietnam, but he pretty much thinks that it should still become one with him, he just doesn't pressure
Vietnam on the subject. Yet.
Russia however doesn't mind robins. He thinks they're pretty and since they go with Springtime, he looks at them positively.
Wesker finds hair gel to be a necessary evil. One that he must use until he finds a superior holding method.
Pyramid head actually enjoys cubes. His favorite is the Rubiks one. He's yet to get it finished, though.
Russia actually doesn't know of Jackie Estacado, but I'm sure once he does, he'll want it back.
i think weskar should use the uroboros slime. that seems mighty sticky.
Naw. It's not sticky enough, and even then, who wants worm goop in their face?
Naw. Wesker was the worms. All of them. Even the ones that slipped out. He was everything.
He had a big worm...
Ma'am. Where are you finding these amazing icons?
I just find em... pick em up in case someone wants them. I like doing stuff like that.
Words do not express my love. Not even the almighty NPH can fully encompass it.
I love that though still, he is amazing isn't he? The confetti ish awesomes too. <3 I knew you'd love that icon. I couldn't not show it to
you, that would be a sin. It's Terra.
It is a sin. Just about anything Terra related makes me happy. Unless it's TerraVen, then I kinda wanna hurt fandom. A lot.
Like punch it directly in the head?
Pretty much. I have issues with total pedophillic fandom love.
Well you do know who writes it right?
Horrible, disturbed yaoi fangirls?
Well, technically, yes... Yaoi fangirls.
There's tasteful Yaoi and then there's buggly Yaoi and most of them happen to write buggly.
Buggly? Dare I ask where this term originated? Also, srsly. I just. I can't stand that sort of stuff. Though I also never understood how
fandoms always have a prolific amount of yaoi pairings...
I never said that this was a good plurk. But it is
well s'ank you, high overlord~