12 years ago
noticed for the fist time this year the colorful spring flowers popping up around my yard~
latest #9
12 years ago
Spring fever is already setting in
Roshiko says
12 years ago
I'm envious. My garden is barren. Still filled with snow. :-(
Belarus says
12 years ago
I don't think the weather here is warm enough for flowers
12 years ago
Are there at least some buds?
12 years ago
Spring fever, ah, that explains everything...
Roshiko says
12 years ago
I'm afraid Natalia's country is just a little warmer than mine. It still snows from time to time
Roshiko says
12 years ago
but it is getting a whole lot warmer now
Belarus says
12 years ago
Finally, the weather's warm enough.
12 years ago
Did blossoms finally show up?
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