yongelyn says
12 years ago
a good camera, or an ipad?
latest #13
babycake8888 says
12 years ago
definitely go for ipad.....
cutegg87 says
12 years ago
yongelyn says
12 years ago
aiks, y eh? Imagine if you go phuket, takkan bring an ipad along?
yongelyn says
12 years ago
but won't it be buggy to bring a BIG ipad to beach?
babycake8888 says
12 years ago
err...ye dui pun =/
yongelyn says
12 years ago
at first wanna get a camera, then found out a good camera cost around an ipad, there goes the dilemma!
ongkahyee says
12 years ago
i willl.........GET BOTH! wuahahahaha
yongelyn says
12 years ago
i wish to but no budget at the moment ><
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