My verdict is thusly: Heather is a total bitch throughout a good 2/3 of the game. Possibly more depending on player choice.
The gameplay initially is kind of slow, the monsters don't make 100 percent sense, and everything feels really odd to me.
That said, the end game was pretty awesome, save Douglas' death. That was balls. Allessa-Heather-Cheryl was also somewhat confusing to me.
Mostly as there seemed to be no prominently dominant persona, yet at the same time it was as though they were meshed, but not entirely?
I dunno. I'm prolly not making sense.
To each his/her own? I personally love Heather and a lot of the game ties into number one.
Its a lot of explaining but not every sh game is clear, what with multiple endings and so forth.
I think they give you parts of the truth and figure out the rest among others or by yourself. I got a different ending from that one the
first time playing so. they have a huge wiki explain
ing sh 3, its pretty informative.
The monsters are part of alessas dislike.. su
its a fun game though.
No, I liked the game when it reached the end. Heather kinda grows a lot very quickly, and I'm guessing the growth is more-less due
to the assimilation of her incarnations, which made shit confusing as fuck for awhile. I'm not trying to be all "omg SH3 is a horrible game!
cause it's not, it's just very hard for me to feel sympathetic towards Heather due to her crass attitude towards everyone save Harry.
And that was cause Harry raised her. Also, Harry totally deserved a better funeral than what was given. I was sad.
But also, before that. Man, that subway. I can't say I found that enjoyable. After that it was pretty nice.
And the game has some amazing points, and I for one really like Vincent, and in all honesty, due to his behavior, it's really hard to tell
just when he's telling Heather the truth and when he's lying, and just, his whole monsters being people thing was epic.
Oh I know.. I just had wtf moments the first time I played so I know what you mean. I just meant a lot of people hate her, I love her... I
just hope no one looks down on me because of it.
Why would anyone look down on you because of it? That's silly.
Well the subway does suck.. i'm pretty sure i'll be able to see it more clearly when I play on the 360. Because it was like pitch black in
that game even if you turned the gamma up. But yeah, there's one part in the subway where you get pushed by someone and land on the tracks
Yes. Yes it does. I hope the HD variant fixes some of that...or at least makes it less painful. :3
Yeah Vincent is pretty awesome.. I love him too.. I drew so many pictures of him and actually had/have a crush on the guy. Even though he's
pretty evil. Oh yeah, the HD Jeremy, is amazing. A lot of people were bitching because you could see less fog and more of the back drop.
Which i'm not really mad at.. it makes the fog look more realistic.
But other than that... James is in amazing HD quality.. and like... his butt looks awesome.
That sounds like a better choice anyways.
Also, James' butt for the win, man. OH. Does he still sway dat junk to taunt his enemies?
He does, right? Please tell me James is still Sassy Gay James that I fell in love with~
I'm pretty sure after the game ended Heather gave him a proper funeral considering she said she'd be back for him after she was done.
Yes, James still shakes that.. and the monsters are still all... everyday they're shufflin.
See? I didn't get any explanation on my ending. I got the possessed ending and sad was everywhere. ;~;
BUT YES. YEEEEESSSSSSSSHHH~ You go James. You go and make the world a better place with dat ass.
lmfao.. All you can hear behind James when you're walking.. is "I'm sexy and I know it."
"Look at that body... I work out..."
...Someone needs to make a music video or a comic with that. I'd laugh so hard, man. XD
Lmao.. if I had good animating skills... i'd totes do it.. Where James rips off his pants and it's all... leopard print thong underneath.
O-Oh god. I can't unsee it. James, I know your night job
lmfao Totally, he works with Maria some nights... BAH!! That explains how they met each other. >:3
Isn't it hawesome? Someone had Maria dancing on the pole and fooled a butt load of people into re-playing the game according to the person
to see it.. I honestly can say I fell for it.. But but.. someone should make James do that.. it'd be hilarious.
...Oh man. If it gets released for the PC too, there better be some replacement mods like that! I'd love to hear Maria's voice come out of
James' mouth and have maria protect him and just. Yeah. Awesome.
....Or someone could replace James with Harry and Maria with James and it would be PERFECT
lmao!! And and and have the monsters say funny things.. like have pyramid head saying something as he's doing his dirty business in that
room.. I still say James should've stayed incognito.. he totes ruined his cover by shooting.