I'm usually the blower offer.
Haha sucks to be on the other end huh?
that sucks, but i know how you feel.
well maybe the guy was cute or something, lol
yeah i've been blown off for a guy tons of times
She said he called and that was it.
Oh lol Yeah she nearly ruined our tradition a boy.
Well, Tell her she sucks when she comes back and I hope Jared "Gets hit by a bus" doesn't that sound familiar NaNa lol
. . . . i'm drawing a blank josie
Missy always says that, well to me anyway.
SO you know Alex is like, pissed.
And I would be too if I were him..
He, of course, plans on making an appearance v-day. She is HIS Woman lol.
I want to know more about Jared first.
I'm biased so I don't care lol
I'm sure Jared is great but Alex is the original
is she still talking to Jared?
And she said whatever lol
she says, and I qoute "go blow"