Liz Gealach says
12 years ago
so apparently I have not been paid for any items purchased from my marketplace shop since March 16th!
latest #16
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
the transactions all say "Delivery Partially Failed" but when i asked the customers
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
they have actually received the items purchsed - but LL never forwarded the payments to me!!
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
I wonder how many people are having the same problem?
MarvelMouse 🐭 says
12 years ago
MollyMontale says
12 years ago
I got a second delivery the other day on something that I bought on the marketplace a month ago. I didn't get billed a second time so no...
12 years ago
...harm done, but it is still strange.
Mari says
12 years ago
That sounds bad
Mari says
12 years ago
I have a couple "partially failed" too - and def. did not get L$ from those sales. This may explain why my sales have been "down."
Mari says
12 years ago
Also would explain why some others have told me they've not been selling as much too.
Mari says
12 years ago
If anything, this sounds like a "storm the castle" moment.
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
I'm guessing it's happening to everyone - I tested it myself and I received some purchased items that LL later sent an email saying that
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
The delivery failed and my L was reimbursed - so from a merchant standpoint we are selling products that we are not getting paid for and
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
The customers are actually getting the items but also having their L refunded!!!!
Liz Gealach
12 years ago
BAD!!! - sent a ticket tonight but will follow up tomorrow
12 years ago
Sean says
12 years ago
Geez, this is a PITA (cozy)
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