oh today was watch holocaust documentaries and make tiffany cry day in class that's nice.
latest #25
how am i ever going to teach this
i cry like a bitch every time there's a movie or a discussion about it, i don't know how people can ever keep it together
12 years ago
12 years ago
idk but when we watched grave of the fireflies in my japanese lit class the projectionist started crying too
12 years ago
like once you teach it a few times...
idk man i have studied it like every year for the past seven years and i still
lose my shit every time
12 years ago
it's not just you that gets torn up by stuff like this even in academics
it's just so overwhelming
today the video was a beautiful mtv production of a bunch of teenager's diaries that were read by actors and stuff
and i just started uncontrollably sobbing in the middle of class and i am still like
crying even after it's off and has been for like twenty minutes
haha but i really want to teach it i just don't know how to do it without crying
because i really want to impress on my students how horrific and overwhelming it was and how important it is to remember and
speak up against things like this but
it just destroys me
god when i went to europe i actually went to dachau and
i have never cried so much in my life
i was a wreck the whole day because you just go and you can like ... god i don't even know how to describe it
it's like you can feel the blood on the ground
where they lined them up to shoot them
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