If Alice had tried this from the start I'd be drinking a
lot more tea
That hardly equates to normal, tea form, Earl Grey!
Ya' should've used milkshakes~
You wouldn't have had the proper chance to be a lady.
of course it didn't end up that way anyway
If being a lady means burning me tongue on your boiling tea, then no thanks...
I'd take the cold creamy treat anyday!
You must have patience to learn when is the proper time for drinking.
I gave you treats all the time!
But that takes to loooonnnnng!
Albeit, none of this "super sized" garbage!
Patience is a virtue, Emily.
I meant milkshakes and ice cream in particular
There are better things out there than frothy drinks.
See? I knew you'd come around
As long as it makes you realize that Earl Grey should stay the way it's supposed to be; normal, hot tea.
... are you still mad about the whole 'iced tea' thing?...
'cause sun-tea is practically a delicacy over the summer at my house
Any tea should be hot tea!
Anything else would just be horrid.
You can't accept the fact that iced tea is a delicious and refreshing summer beverage for when hot tea would be an inconvenience
(next to lemonade of course)
Then just have something else.
And have tea in the early morning, and at night.
That's what coffee is for
At least I'm drinking tea at all
/sigh Fine, I'll give you that.
You should try it! It might even go good with tea cookies
I think I'll stick to my hot tea with biscuits, thank you.
Aww... that's not being very adventurous
I was quite adventurous back in my childhood. I just prefer this way.
Well I prefer the milkshake version. So there. We agree to disagree
I would like to try this...
The pics make it look so yummy
And it tastes better than the real thing~!?
I bet it'll work for green tea, or any other of those flowery teas you like, Nene.
Green tea and Jasmine icecream, aru~
We should make lots, aru~