So I'm basically going to be shit at tags and stuff for the next day or two, fyi. Job stuff, moving stuff, etc etc.
latest #14
I had a really ridiculous day today, too. It was one of those days where you can't even be mad because SO MUCH fucked up and it's just funny
Well. Mostly. CDC hasn't received either of my faxed references. I can be mad about THAT. I want to start working, fuck you.
ANYWAY yeah, just wanted to let you all know, RL is overwhelming RP and Plurk right now, sorry.
12 years ago
If you need any help moving etc, call me. I'm free basically 24/7.
12 years ago
Thanks. I might take you up on that offer when I actually move in, but right now I'm just wading through Paperwork Hell: Apartment Edition
But I would really appreciate the help and it'd be great to hang out with you again and then you can meet Mia and everyone wins.
12 years ago
good luck bro!
tulip bunny ❀
12 years ago
/crossing my fingers. JENX KICK ALL THE THINGS!
tulip bunny ❀
12 years ago
Or I will fly over and help you
tulip bunny ❀
12 years ago
but tickets are ridiculously expansive and ide how to tame sharks
12 years ago
probably expensive too :-P
tulip bunny ❀
12 years ago
INDEEED~! Hey, I have all the excuses today, I haven't had anything to drink in years
tulip bunny ❀
12 years ago
...not that I can spell when completely sober, that's a lie nobody would believe anyway~
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