Busy busy busy. I no longer have a face. :/
This is the reason I've been slow with tags recently. ._.
oooooh that's nice * __ *
swanky nail polish
also wow; that is fucking gorgeous
The artwork or the DS? lolollo
I agree, Professor Layton can be pretty damn gorgeous
The DS has artwork, doesn't it?
That's my artwork there on the DS, too
How did you get the art ont he DS? Just draw it directly on it?
...I sent in my artwork to be made into a cover /o/
...I have one on my laptop, too.
It's good advertising ._.
Richard Dawkins said, 'Why, that's rather clever!' I KNOW IT'S NOT MUCH BUT GOD DAMN I ALMOST FAINTED
Pfft, I don't normally care about famous people, but Dawkins is an exception
speaking of Scientists I absolutely LOVE...Michio Kaku is coming o speak at my college....AND I AM LEAVING THE COUNTRY THAT VERY DAY >_<
I had to look up Jean paul gaultier
Fashion...It figures. I am so backward when it comes to that x_x
I need ot hire a stylist ._.
Guuuuuuuurl, you need to give me some tipppppss
I am doing a couple of videos in the near future and I have no clue how to dress myself
Oh, I could, but I promise you I'll still have to buy shit XDDD
Yeah, I am going to buy stuff XD What I have simply doesn't suffice. I am working on an image change right now XD
I'm going to have to let you in on my secret later if I'm going to enlist your elp, lollol
...But Hell, I would totally love some tips ._.
...Whereabout DO you live, out of curiosity?
Yeah, I painted them to go to the Klingon Wedding XD
I was in Star Trek ...attire. Blue.
(Forgive me if I asked that already)
That's ONE state I haven't been to
I have been to some f the surrounding ones...
It would still be awesome to visit, I want to go to almost every state XD
...in an appropriate manner...
...Well...I have...a...pet snake. o_o
...My dad said he would never allow on in the house, but sure enough. I moved her in. XD
Yep! It's the bg on my phone, hold on XD
Ocias. (Oh-Sigh-Ass) XD It's an acronym
for, 'Oh Crap It's A Snake'
Since I can't have any other pets right now, she's my only baby ._.
...Good one, though...because I only have to feed her twice a month ._.
...I mean, they are thawed, yes, but I have so many that they live in their own little separate freezer
oh my god she's gorgeous rfdjkslgbdf
Hahahahahahahaha, yeah, she has her own following ._<
...I am absolutely fascinated with snakes, too
...I really want a Brazilian Rainbow boa. o_O
i'm in love with the emerald boas but that's because of my love for green....
...Do you have any snakes?
Ocias with my cousin's little pencl-dick snake
no i don't
i live in a dorm so that's a dream that can't happen for a long time yet
i think i'll just have to settle for kitties when i move out anyway, cats are my ultimate favorites
Funny because I really want a cat
I rescued two kittens and my dad threw them outside
My DREAM cat is a Scottish Fold. They're so expensive. ._.
I rescued another kitten a year later while coming from an out of town job XD;
i don't have a specific breed in mind but when i move out i'm getting a kitten and its name will be Tohru because I'm original like that
/names all the cats after favorite characters/characters roleplayed \(o_o)/
Mine was named Ferndinand Augustus Pussington
my last cat is still ticking after 20 years but he's back with his original owner because of school
The other one was merely called, "Faggy"
There's the little Faggy right now <3
Oh gosh I feel like a proud parent showing off wallet-sized photos of her kids ._.
My goodness, 20 year old cat. That's amazing
and was an outdoor/indoor cat too who could still hold his own in a fight until about a year or two ago
Oh gosh, that little one up there grew up to be a fighter
He comes home all the time with bruises
If it were up to me, I'd keep him in the house. o_o