Ren Tobari
12 years ago
even more stuffed up today than yesterday....sickness! Why you no leave me?!
latest #12
12 years ago
its deffinantly one of those lingering ones :/
12 years ago
Amber had to get antibiotics for hers, might want to visit a medicenter
Ren Tobari
12 years ago
=3= i hate doing that....
12 years ago
they're really helping though. if you don't mind travelling to one, the clinic in mill woods by Lakewood transit centre is really good, and
12 years ago
relatively quick
Ren Tobari
12 years ago
I'll think about it
12 years ago
well, I don't know what your cough is like, but for me every little bit of dust set me hacking, and I couldn't lay down to sleep
Ren Tobari
12 years ago
its not so much the cough, tho I do have that problem sleeping. It's the stuffed nose and not breathing properly
12 years ago
its not the lung voice problem im having i think
12 years ago
your voice still sounds relitivly normal :-P
12 years ago
If you haven't already, try taking Advil Cough and Cold, it worked wonders for Kyles cold
Ren Tobari
12 years ago
I'll definitely look into that then. =) thanks
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