pinging everyone who commented in last plurk:
Sob. /)_(\ I don't want to make people hate me for creating a second longest plurk trail
apologies if I forgot anyone
we just got enthusiastic, as much my fault as is yours
which means it's neither of our faults
/hides behind
I don't think I mentioned that this sounds like a really cool idea, though I'm not sure I have a charrie for it, but hope it works out~
Even if you don't have a character, participating in brainstorming and discussion is still more than welcome~
okay, I guess a summary: we're at a interdimensional mini-dimension, squeezing through the cracks between dimensions and travelling
Fair enough! I'll try to poke in a bit since it's... slightly more manageable now. xD; By the time I got to the other plurk I was...
...sort of like, "Uuuuuh, way too lazy..."
whether by some sort of Madoka figure or Childlike Empress (see Neverending Story) there is someone wanting to give people a safe place
to be stronger better faster saner
there's perhaps MIB-like dudes that give cards and/or harass ppl in a Coulson-like way into therapy
Oooh, sounds interesting...
each mun has the default option of entering from their canon's own 'multiverse/dimension' (ie. unless requested, characters don't come from
the same background/timeline)
Madoka creeps me out. D': ULTERIOR MOTIVES, AAAH.
thus they can go BACK home and change up their story, if they so choose
I dunno if I'd join or anything (still caught up in my own game right now, idk if I can handle more) but it sounds really interesting
especially since you can explore how things could CHANGE?
Oooh, that could be nice~
XD See, this is why I'm backing off to a purely DESIGNING role with this stuff
Because I fail at life and modding
yes! and write your own AU's or at least have your character react as if an AU has happened
But yes, it would be all about AU and such
Group AU building: the game!
like, even if a character comes in as canon, it'd quickly grow AU if any sort of therapeutic progress happens
log-based on-site, with a bulletin board, but with communicators, if they go back to their canon's or if they're in town
Infinite sticky notes for all B|bb
time is FUBAR and, say, an hour in therapy is 6 subjective hours outside it
Definitely AU would occur either way. Unless they're stupidly stubborn. xD;
if they're stupidly stubborn we pile with cats until they cry and give in
we'd tag for major trigger categories (ie, sexual, medical, violence) and tag by whoever comments in the post
And the AC would have All Of The Things integrated into it
AC (I think?) is 2 threads w/ 2 different char, of at least 15 comments per thread or 2k words from char
wait, 15 comments total or per char?
I think with the sort of post header the last is "Content: [triggers, phobias, descriptions, potential squick, etc]"
agree with post header, and maybe a note on whether in-person or network
If you're playing...... Kakashi, and you have a heartwarming thread with Obito and a screaming fight with Deidara, you'd want to make either
15 posts with Kakashi between those two threads, or 2k words from Kakashi between those two threads. Does that make more sense?
You could do ten per char? That's a middle of 15 per thread or 15 total? xD;
hmm, yeah, basically just the thought that they're tagging around
Okay, so 15 posts OR 2k words per AC spread between two threads?
2+ threads, anyway. So long as you aren't doing stuff only with one other person
well, I mean, I don't think people should be repremanded for short threads, and those should be fine, but that longer threads with more than
Though, if I have three threads going, am I still okay with 15 posts / 2k words?
Or do I need to up the ante?
Yeah, you'd still be fine
Those just seem like a decent benchmark to show activity, no matter how spread around they are
so, like 2~3, but no more than 4, threads with a total of 15 comments or 2k words, whichever comes first
other things from the previous post: resources will be linked to for players, but not demanded that the official terms be used, the app
would have personality section with emphasis on psychology and threads to previous rp would be encouraged, with multiple options for
threading w/ ppl in game OH RIGHT
what say you guys to having a semi-regular 4th wall event? like there's 'ghosts' in a certain location every full moon
and people can thread with regulars even if they haven't app'd in? I'm thinking this could be a link on the main comm to a separate comm
Oh, and a section on the app will be for what people plan to do with their characters
hmm, do we need them to map it out like that? or just put it as encouragement?
or maybe just request that they have a goal in mind? and state it on the app?
will we need a power's section? considering everyone's tamped down state... or just request that they put in on journals?
frankly, I'm fine if ppl just link to a wiki on their char's powers
XD Yeah, just a general overall goal/character arc, whatever
Yeah, I'd be fine with that too, given how the powers would be fudged with
from other plurk: Either they check in themselves, someone else does,
or they stumble into the world and people point them to the facilities for help?
A brief statement of powers might be nice? But link to wiki for in-depth description, etc?
I also like possibility of 4th Wall~
other plurk: individual rooms, chores that will be available for thread making but not mandatory, saner ppl can work in nearby town
have increased supervision and etc should char prove unruly, will be given an info and tour of the place asap to prevent boring intro post
maybe a samuel L jackson PB for long-suffering director-dude
NPCs also get affected by events, events will be preceded by polls for info on player needs/wants/schedules
events are non-regular, but will be announced at least a month ahead of time, and will have a 3~4 month arc
I really love the arc idea too
events can be suggested by player-base, and voted on, if no more than 60% win, a revote with different options
well, and I figure more events when ppl are free and less during finals season and what have you
possibility of apping in as staff although the app would be more rigorous
unless maybe they're an antivillain, hehe
but in any case, would require more conversation with the mod-team, esp re: events
apps are always open, and there is no requirement for the mun to diagnose the char, just understand what makes them tick and play appropos
powers are inactive if there's ill-intent behind it, that's just how the dimension works. this does not apply to physical abilities
gym/simulation room/stuff to break available
well, not to break
Awesome, that's a good deal. I like that.
I'd imagine there'd be a stimulation room
No, please don't break the animals. D': Only cuddle the animals. <3
like it has a rocking chair, stuffed animals, colored lights, a whitenoise machine, etc
there'll be a mixer every week, and the non-hospitalized can app in as like, 'event coordinator' or 'gardener' or 'cook'
That would be cool, to have some charries who aren't necessarily there for the therapy...
yup! /fully believes in a well-rounded community
and or....ppl who are in-denial
and think they're sane, or can come off as sane, but who aren't
okay, I THINK that's everything in the last plurk, feel free to pop in anything I might've missed and... gosh, what else do we have to hash
like... they're dysfunctional but think it's normal?
or can moderate themselves but have a problem area?
well, or like Dexter, who's a serial-killer but functional, normally
of course, they'd be requested to elaborate more on their plans/goals for their character
so I guess for dexter it'd be to stop him from murdering people and the therapy would focus on that
since he doesn't have any other difficulties
well, technically he only kills bad guys
buuuuut since the place is potentially FULL OF BAD GUYS...
so he'd have to be monitored to prevent him from trying to kill his fellow patients
unlessss they don't even know, because he's not a patient
it all depends on what the mun wants to do with them
maybe the mun can develop a case history?
Definitely people who are in denial. xD;
like "he's killed people as a form of vigilantiism"
I like that the mun can slip them in and direct where they start, etc. xD;
well, it could be an option
I mean, I think it'd have to be stipulated that the black sheep will never be more than, say 1/10 of the pop of ppl in control
oh, also, jail-break scenarios are totally okay, imo, but with the caveat that only 10% of the pop can escape and that means the other 90%
on lockdown, so the game pop itself will have to decide on that
Yes. You'd also have to figure out whether or not those who monitor the facility would eventually find out about/pick apart those who..
or, well, not those hard numbers, but like, not 100%
...aren't really there for therapy, buuuut may need a bit of help after all...
in that case they might be released with a checkin now and then
I mean going to a therapist can help for preventation and "small" problems too
Well, if they aren't in the program, if they're there to "help" and not a patient, how do you convince them to come in or try to help...
...without their enrollment?
Like. If someone who believes they are "normal" is there to, say, volunteer or something? I got the feeling that might be an option.
encouraging them to come in and use the services
But if it's someone like Dexter, and they discover he's got those issues, do they approach him about them? Or...?
/nods, or just let it develop naturally
I figure it'll end up being interesting shenanigans anyways
well if they find out he kills people then they might have him committed
since he's a danger to others
but, there's already a system in place if the person is a danger to themselves or others (ie. the hospital itself), and powers
are damped if there's intent-to-harm
hell, it would be an interesting thing if the place tries to hunt down the runners and/or get ppl who sees the benefits and are staying to
convince the runners to go back
Infy xD I love your little check-ins
I watch you guys go off with such great ideas and I can just make happy faces because I can't think of anything awesomer to add
lies, infy is always awesome
It's hard to get awesomer than you guys right now, though
/sticks in eating ponies
I can't barely see the detail XD
XD I've seen it as a larger gif
I've only seen the larger batman eating a hotdog
I love the pink around his lips and that final chew
he's just... SO SATISFIED
Infy: Because it's adorable. xD; idk
Gah! The first time I saw that as a larger gif I was so amused and horrified at the same time. xD;
X3 /snuggles up with and makes cute faces?
/group snugglepile
okay, thought, app submission? ideas? dislikes?
I would prefer that the apps are at least made public if accepted
Definitely made public if accepted, though perhaps e-mail submission?
I always feel bad when I post for the public and there's that, "D': What if I'm not accepted will everyone see something I did wrong? Augh"
what about in screened comments?
I don't know much about them, but it sounds like that could work. o;
going back to an earlier point, I still feel that there should be a dynamic for characters who are just coming into the system for
out-patient therapy. Like...Dexter could be required by his department to have weekly psych evals, and this is the place he goes.
/nods, I am totally down with this
and well, the comms work across-dimension
And if you have a time manipulator (I have a few chars who can do that) then these people can stay and hang out and then go back to their
world. It also gets around the problem of people needing to be committed and people with "minor" problems. Like...that lady from Glee with
OCD could be a character even if she's not completely nuts.
Oh! Maybe everyone could be required to do some kind of service instead of paying?
So that would be a way of getting the out-patients involved.
Not necessarily required for in-patients with severe disorders, but for the out-patients they could have set chores or
fffff or maybe act as the MIB for a month?
at the least be required to take a meal at the cafeteria...that might work as well! Proselytizing awesome therapy sessions. XD
or even maybe getting food/supplies from their canon dimensions
Or they can check in if they need a break from life?
I'd check in to get away from the Glee teacher dude if I were teacher lady after a while...
Or they can be back at home and post from there?
maybe both! They could have places for patients who need to check out of their life for just a bit, places for weeklies, and long-terms.
and people would be encouraged to pick whatever option suits them best? with some encouragement from the psychologists.
in the last plurk we talked about the difficulties with bulletin boards - perhaps there could be a dynamic where people who don't stay
could still post stuff to the boards? That way they could also call for help if they need transport or are having a bad mental health day.
/always approves of options
plus they could still interact...
so maybe 2 coms, like Micro, with a bulletin board com which can include door stickies and announcements and stuff, and a log com.
I like the idea of a communicator thing that can be hung around the neck and looks like a dog tag... tho that's just me XD
tbh I'd prefer a single comm and just label it
sticky the bulletin board and the only other comm is the 4th wall comm
You can always have some way to tell where a message is coming from, I'd imagine.
like, why does the log comm have to be separate from the main comm? I never understood that
I mean, I'm open to opinions, but in my own opinion it creates an unnecessary divide
no, I see what you mean. its easy enough to tag things "Action" or "Bulletin Notice"
the only reason why the 4th wall comm would be separate is that it would be available for commenting by non-members
whereas the main comm would be member-only
well, plus an ooc comm, 'cause duh
I like integrating the log and etc into one comm
also I like the straightforward communicator dealie
what is everyone's thoughts on having all of the admin posts in ooc comm too? properly tagged and linked
any downsides?
Yeah, I like the idea of integration and whatnot
so I was thinking about what this place would look like. You guys got any ideas?
Lots of motivational posters? :|a
Haha! xD I think it looks comfortable. Clean and comfortable~ Soothing.
I was thinking a big floating island with the rooms looking out over the ocean....../totally different train of thought/
and yes, lots and lots of plants.
maybe lots of vines on the walls? and miniature trees that glow at night inside...
I don't think that would be that annoying -- I like the sound of all of that.
maybe there'd be different sections of the island for people who feel comfortable with different things?
That makes a lot of sense to me.
I imagine people from Sci-Fi starships might find lots of plants weird, and might prefer a more clinical/sterile environment.
To have an island with many different sections for different needs.
Other people might be way more comfortable with lots of growing things around.
glowing = lights at night
when people are trying to sleep
remember, people have private rooms.
They don't have to be in the rooms
They can be in a lobby area. And some people might want night lights.
I was thinking like, glare and stuff
but maybe they act more like - yeah
like the soft sort of lights like those "landing strip" lights for nighttime navigation
I thought the trees would be outside and there'd be windows XD;
I was thinking of something that would be really low light - cool greens or blues - landing strips are a good example!
it shouldn't be too cluttered though
yeah. perhaps I'm picturing this being much bigger than other people?
what's your idea on the rough size?
Even if there are windows, there could be curtains~
Low, cool blues were what I was thinking~
um.... four or five feet wide halls?
I think my geography is showing, ehehe large the whole facility is.
I guess not that big, but of course it would be large XD;
I feel like there could be plenty of different lobby areas, a main center... You mentioned an island, that seems pretty big to me~
I don't know how to specify how big, though.
yeah. I'm thinking the island would house everything though, so the fields, a local town etc.
also are curtains allowed? or maybe that'd just be for suicide-watch peeps
Suicide-watch peeps probably shouldn't have curtains, yeah. x.x';
yeah. maybe shutters instead.
Depending on how fancy the facility is, though, perhaps there is an option to tint the windows -- darken them to the outside.
They're actually working on walls that will allow you to draw windows, apparently.
well, low-tech shades are?
yeah but shades are stupid. actually I like the blinds that my dad got that move the top as well as the bottom
I assume it goes without saying that the bathroom and bedroom doors don't have locks
Blinds could potentially be taken apart, cords used, etc...
yeah that's why I like the dimmer switch idea
should each room have its own bathroom, or will it be communal?
and if the latter, should different floors/halls be separated by sex?
Maybe communal bathrooms with private stalls? Not sure about gender separation...
I like gender neutral bathrooms myself
maybe a communal bathroom with stalls and one or two single bathrooms?
Especially if there are private stalls, gender neutral wouldn't be a problem.
Stalls not just for toilets, but showers as well
It just might be weird for people from early worlds who haven't experienced that kind of thing before.
True. But they could get used to it. xD Massive tour of the facility and introduction to the era, etc~
/stares at housing people
dude, just make them tony stark's windows
solid if you want them solid, polarized if you want no light
draw a square with your finger to place your window
great for new!people entertainment
I mean un-polarized if you want light
/catching up after making dinner, reading about windows
I like the gender neutral bathrooms too, makes sense on a architectual level too
all the pipes in one location
the kitchens are likely on the flip side of them
Okay. How many patients, on average, do you think they have?
I figure it's better to overshoot
...well given that it's literally a travelling dimension whose space/time is fubar, anywhere from 50~infinite
/nods/ I was imagining a bigger number, since the whole place was designed specifically for this.
but fifty to start with it a good idea.
50 is a baseline but it can magically accomodate more because we say so
the idea of this place being based on magic. makes stuff easier.
should they be allowed to choose their own rooms?
and is there a way to prevent other patients from entering rooms unasked?
(since staff should be able to come and go, but other patients could trash rooms and stuff, and that would suck)
like...maybe their dog-tags get them access to certain places but they can't get into others?
which would also keep unauthorized people out of the kitchens, and stop people from doing things like jumping from opened windows.
I think there are room assignments, if only for practical/clerical reasons
But don't they not have the dogtags in the facility?
I mean, no need to sprinkle them throughout the place
I thought they had them in town/at home
maybe in-patients ahve them too?
That'd kinda dilute the idea of face to face interaction, though? :|a And the healthy effects of socialization and whatnot.
I mean, I could see it if there were seperate tags for ID and for comms? That would be easy enough to arrange.
well, for communicating with those outside?
or would there be terminals for that?
Access to people out there, but limited enough that it wouldn't be feasible to use it in the building itself.
I think I'm conflating the idea of a general idea with the dog-tag communicators.
Maybe they have to slot the tags into a terminal to get access to the wider network?
and it could be that they use the tags to lock people out of their rooms and force them to socalize.
Yeah, that sounds good? ID cards, key cards, etc. all in one.
And just a seperate one with full comm functionality.
so the tags can be used to "log in" to different stuff
maybe even track those under watch
like they hae to tag into a door
"oh, so and so is checked into the training yard"
ID, locks, log in, "paying" for stuff or checking stuff out of lockers and whatnot....
they might even have a tracker in them so you can find people off world?
though the patient doesn't have to wear them all the time.
/nods, I like all these ideas XD
I'm sure some people would try to hack the system...
or basically, to get into the site means that the comm functionality is shut off
ie, the moment it gets used as a key
gosh, I really should watch the neverending story again, since apparently we're using alot of that
and/or tech based on magic
well, admittedly the stuff I suggested was from the book. The Movies are a lot less...dark.
(which is impressive, given what I remember of the first movie)
oh, there's more than one? o.o
There are three neverending story movies. only the first has any connection to the book.
and that one cuts off half way through the plot,
well, pft, we could even say it just takes place in an AU of the movie, 'cause technically there'd be ppl with different imagination makin
the main point is that the land connects all imagined worlds.
hmm, I wonder if this should be sorta like 'beta/intro' arc for the game, just to reveal all these details
YOU GUYS SAID WAY TOO MUCH in the hour or whatever I was at the hot-tubs, someone recap me.
we're basically discussing what the setting looks like
Facility is designed for at least 50 people, all with private rooms accessed by dog-tag like key-cards.
and yeah, I'm down for them choosing rooms, with room privliege being taken away for misbehavior
that might be best, especially if there are different kinds of floors based on origin-setting.
or, basically, I'm down for this growing in as organic a way as possible, but if mun have no opinion, I'm fine with plopping ppl whereever
enough space to do something, but not enough to do nothing with
would love to get my hands on a program where I could built a 3D version of this, not going to lie.
XD Somebody make this thing in the Sims
oh! list of common room and areas? library, gym, kitchen, cafeteria
Question: Individual rooms or shared rooms? Just to be sure~
ART ROOM. Make an art room~ <3
stables and fluffy creatures
forest area for frolicking
Mmmm, I want to live here.
but also... the areas that are non common room, like pool/kitchen where it might be dangerous, forest, stables, need access permissions
and probably have staff monitoring them?
so that it's not automatic, but that they're also there for 'earning'
like, a solid goal for a char to work towards
certain library sections too, require access, esp since history of worlds and tech and magic is probably in there
at one point I'd like an implosion arc
yes. there's probably a basic library, and then the higher floors are restricted...
Implosion arc? Like the Nothing?
like, the dimension is trying to squeeze past two dimensions and it's not fitting
and things go terribly strange and the sky is falling and then everyone get's snapped back into their canon for a week
and you come back to rebuilding
it'd be like finals week or something
and have their comms still working so that ppl who have time can still send panicked signals over comm
"Ah, don't worry! We simply came to close to a scientific world."
nah, signal blackout from the ward/hospital OMG WHAT ARE WE CALLING THIS?
but yes! and that would force characters to interact with their canon-mates and deal with their problems head-on.
man, actually, fff, I should just breakdown and buy all the seasons of Sanctuary like I've been meaning to, and have a childlike empress
or whatever, still tossing ideas against the wall
I think I'd prefer a bit more benevolent leader.
seriously tho, this thing needs a name, I don't know what to call it?
well, I figured out what to call the island -
also, totally perch it on that cliff, that's magnificent
also, given that it's an inward facing cliff, would prevent the worst of the weather
.../rubs hands at potential for volcanic eruption
the idea of the windows overlooking some kind of water.
positive retreat environment, remember!
and well, late-game thing
as for the name, I'm still thinking of something derived from Sanitarium.
but...with a more positive spin?
well that's sorta why I like the name Sanctuary, but it's sorta taken as the name of the show XD
...unless we just make it Sanctuari
it been used before? it sounds familiar but I'm not quite sure why.
From "Mens sana in corpore sano"?
what does that translate into?
"A sound mind in a sound body".
apparently its a famous latin quote.
Sano, Sanare, Sanavi, Sanatus
sanus, sana, sanum
what do those conjugations mean?
and the Sanus, Sana, Sanum is to be well or healthy.
hmm, I like either Sanavi or Sanare
or, idk, anybody else with ideas?
or thoughts/objections/feedback?
I think everyone else has gone to bed...
lol, silly east coast ppl
oh hey, what's Refuge in latin? take refuge is Confugo, and safe refuge is Locus Tutus
at least, according to the internet., neither has that 'ring'
tho confugo comes close if only for the puns ppl can do with confusion
I'm still leaning towards Sanavi though.
I think I like the -vi sound more than the -are sound
sanare is literally "to ___" b/c of the conjugation
Sanavi any different? I'm pretty sure they're all declensions of the same verb...
but Sanavi seems to be occasionally used as family names, at least.
I think it's been a while
I like the sound of the Sanavi Clinic though
since it's been used as a proper name?
I just had to take a shower. No idea what to name it, can look at stuff in a while~
....maybe in the next plurk
lol, it's already almost 550
Did you notice that the other one ended at 911? xD
yeah, but apparently ppl were struggling at about 600
when we hit 600 should we start a new one?
Or should we preemptively start a new one now?
idk, how are ppl's browser's handling it?
I think we should make a new one at 600
....and we stall out 2 comments away. XD
well, 2 comments away from 560, at least.
I mean, if we talk about the app things, I feel weird if ppl are emailing apps and then I post them somewhere, but I feel none of the wierd
if I'm just unscreening their app
however, unscreening something means that you can't go back and edit an app after submission, which also gives me hives so IDEK
or just make a requirement that the app has to be posted on the journal they'd be playing with and a link posted to the app submission site?
Hmm... They could e-mail apps and you can e-mail them back to post their own apps if they are approved? Or e-mail them back and tell...
...them what to look at, etc, if the app needs work~
also, on reservations, if it's constantly open, idk why we'd need them even. I kinda feel like there should just be a, 'pm mods here'
if they want dibs on a char because they're working on an app
but I could be missing something
idk, is there something I haven't considered?
sorry I went to sleep too
hmm I guess if I'm working on an app and someone submit's theirs first
Unless you have a set time for entries and/or reservations, I don't think you're missing things?
like, if apps are always able to be submitted and I didn't know someone else was already apping a char, I would like to know before I work
hmm, any other thoughts on the world/dimension itself? like, what does the rest of the planet? or is there even a planet? or just an island?
I kind of liked the floating island, but maybe it should be on some small world of some sort, idk...
there could at least be a mainland
like maybe a ferry or subway goes between them, the clinic is tartarus and we're in persona 3?
well if we're using Thera, there could be a a town on another island?
of the Thera system I mean
or we could just have it be in the island system?
or just a really small planet that doesn't make sense because it's constantly getting warped via space-time
oh, and current favorite theory of magic is that it operates on particles of probability
in the way that matter is simply waves, at the micro level, and that our senses are just manipulation and sensing of waves
Yeah, the reserves system would primarily be for signaling "Hey, Bubba Joe Bob is currently writing an Ichigo app."
"Suzie Lou Mae, you might wanna hold off a week or two. Or maybe try Rukia instead."
/approves of starting a new plurk at 600 though o7
well, if we go with the Fantastica idea it could be a really, really big planet/world but the area they're in is in an archipelago?
that also means that there would be just about anything people could imagine to visit for "field-trips" and the like.
XD Am I slated to make the next plurk, then?