i've noticed like, a lot of my tvk threads have been dropped
and some have been finished, which is swell
You're not a bad rper. TVK is in a really weird place right now.
yeah it's been weird with all the people dropping and lack of plot stuff
but like. there have been a few threads where the person hasn't even responded or only did a few replies
so i'm wondering, is there something i'm doing wrong? am i not a good rper, am i not playing greed well?
i'd really appreciate people's honest feedback on this
if they're tagging other threads? there might be a need for concern.
yeah the francis player just totally blows me off lol
and another mun, i don't remember the character
if i'm doing something wrong i want to know so i can change it
it just means they're butts
Yeah I've noticed a few people are like that in TVK tbh :/ I've never had it happen to me, but...
I'm proud to say that I fail at tagging everyone equally lmao /the slowest
haha never assume that if someone doesn't tag you back it makes you the bad rper, even if it's b/c they've decided they dislike your -
since, chances are, it's them being an ass.
so i wouldn't worry about it. (this advice is easier to give than to actually carry out, i will note, but it's still true.)
erehwesle: i guess that's true, but i dunno. when it happens multiple times i wonder
It's been a while since we've played together, but so long as you're open to crit then I don't think you need to worry. :3
i am, but. no one crits me
Then I think it's safe to assume you're doing fine! As someone mentioned above, there's many reasons a person might not continue a thread.
And if someone has a problem with your playing but won't speak up, then you can't blame yourself. :|a
well, i hope so. it'd just be nice if rpers were more open and... less likely to post on acj
Agreed. But let's face it, RPers tend not to be the epitome of proper social conduct. xD;
an amazing amount of super PA children who never got out of the middle school mindset
they should teach conflict resolution in school
if you have an hmd and they'd rather go to acj than use it, they're really not worth caring about even if there's a lot of them.
(also you're not a bad rper.)
i haven't been on acj (yet), so. crossing my fingers on that.