mayamoonie says
12 years ago
I just can't stay awake these days. Or asleep. I think I'm delerious. :-) (sleeping)
latest #10
12 years ago
bellasocks says
12 years ago
JTKnittersan says
12 years ago
(unsure) That is the worst!
Meelou says
12 years ago
Sounds like hormones to me but I blame everything on hormones.
JTKnittersan says
12 years ago
Meelou: How awesome is that emoticon! But yes, I think it's probably hormonal too - that happens to me around "that time"
Mim58 says
12 years ago
mayamoonie says
12 years ago
HA! It probably is :-) Never even occurred to me! Thank you :-) I may only be 34, but I'm well into menopause.
JTKnittersan says
12 years ago
mayamoonie: Um, like you have men on pause? Because you are way too young for all that!
Meelou says
12 years ago
Maybe yes, maybe no. Hormones can go out of balance whenever.
mayamoonie says
12 years ago
JTKnittersan: That too, HA!
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