Finally saw The Avengers. Holy shit, I forgot how much I love Tony Stark.
latest #42
It's a whole lot, for the record. Also I am apparently a fan of Dr. Banner, despite knowing absolutely nothing about him or the Hulk
Black Widow's pretty rad too, though... she... became less rad when she got her man back, somehow. I wish I could put my finger on why.
Because I feel like there's a lesson to learn about writing women and ships there, but not it if I can't figure out what went wrong
Oh and I want to punch Captain America in the face.
I think that about covers it.
12 years ago
12 years ago
also +1 on captain america.
Oh good so it wasn't just me
I said that and then ended up with the guy next to me going on for 5 minutes about why he was NOT annoying
YES yes yes it was SO NICE
I am not used to having writers cater to my tastes and HOLY SHIT it feels so good.
That bit with the nuke too.... A+++ execution on that. And A+++ acting. And. Yes.
I'm a bit sad that The Hulk movie is supposed to be so hideously awful though.
I hadn't seen it but I like his character so I kind of want to now? Except it's supposed to be horrid.
I guess I could try the comics, but that sort of canon is too big to know where to start or what's a good rendition
This is my problem with American comics. :| Huge canon is iffy but ok. But huge non-linear canon that consists 90% of remakes?
Sure, a lot of them might be good, but fuck if I know where to find that and I just can't be arsed to look when there's so much else to see.
....*superhero comics, there are plenty of good western comics that don't have this problem
/steps off the tiny little soapbox
12 years ago
There's two Hulk films, one is hideously awful, but the other (the one that fits into the Avengers continuity) is pretty good
12 years ago
The good one is The Incredible Hulk
!! I did not know that! Thank you. 8D
12 years ago
Also, if you like Tony, watch after the credits ;-)
We did. XD
12 years ago
oh, I meant The Incredible Hulk
Oh, dorry. Thanks.
12 years ago
12 years ago
ooh, thx! I also came out of the movie being like, "I really love Banner. His movie can't be bad enough to overtake the adorable, right?"
12 years ago
And I like Captain America, but then I've got a thing for dry understated humor. Also camp (thanks Dad ^_^).
12 years ago
I suspect... some of Widow's crazy cool comes from being icy and untouchable. Which gets interesting when she's with someone who clearly
12 years ago
gets past that.
12 years ago
That said the Pack is in agreement that we want a Hawk/Widow movie now pls.
12 years ago
I found their dynamic really intriguing, and I want to know more of the backstory they kept hinting at.
12 years ago
Ditto Janaki and David.
12 years ago
Also Widow is most badass when she's working alone and taking names in situations where she creates a total inversion of power
12 years ago
(especially her opening interrogation scene)? She shines less when she's on a team.
ugly androgyne
12 years ago
also Bruce is played by a different actor in The Incredible Hulk
12 years ago
The important question is, is he still adorkable?
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