Because, in the context of video games, that would mean that I'm against violence in general.
What I am against is the over sexualisation of women followed by a mastabatory beatdown by one male character.
Hitman... yes the trailer looks cool but the nun outfits and big guns all speak to me of a dev team programing with one hand.
I don't really understand how being against violence towards women in video games equates to being against all violence in video games. :0?
Video games, just like any work of fiction, just need to be self-aware about what they're portraying, I think. There's nothing I'd eliminate
from any fiction so long as it's being presented with a decent amount of intelligence. More intelligence than I am displaying with this
explanation, hahaha, can't think how to phrase this. BUT ANYWAY
Just to ruin any shred of respectability I have, that trailer totally had me popping inappropriate boners right up until they removed their
habits. That totally ruined the sexy for me. and then yeah, the whole thing did just play out rather one-handedly, didn't it :[
Intelligence is exactly what the whole trailer lacks - it just went from one gratification fix to the next;
Sexy yet demure nuns, check.
Guns and shot of the main character, check.
Dominatrix outfits, check.
For me the trailer is less than the sum of its parts and seems to be from an earlier age of gaming.
Duke Nukem and Streets of Rage had all of that blatant sexualisation and more but, to the warped and tumultuious currents of my memory
at least, they handled it with .... I dont really know, a light heartednuss perhaps?