12 years ago
I'm so bad in high pressure situations. In related news pan frying dumplings is apparently now a high pressure situation.
latest #12
sleepy sleepy
12 years ago
Pan-frying anything is a high pressure situation. All that sizzling oil.
XD Vin in the kitchen is high-pressure.
Unfortunately Conrad muse wants to bake in high-pressure.
oh really?
I think someone has something to say about that
pivlywhip says
12 years ago
hugs Thank you guys for making me feel like less of a crazy person. Thankfully I have my sister around to talk me through it XDDDD
And yes, Connie is a nervous baker.
Taylor no doubt remembers
The cake of holding.
pivlywhip says
12 years ago
Oh the cake of holding. It had a full formed muffin inside it. It was wonderful
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