i wanna call ybut you have to promise not to xdmp me
i lexft a note before ia got won t- before i left
it was iportant it IS iportant.
I'm awake, Arthur-san. And...I see. It is alright. I understand.
going backto bed. i'll call ytomorrow
I'd forgotten what it was like, being in such different timezones. When do your games stop? How are you doing?
I might...try and stay here a bit. I'm sure you'll be glad for the break from me!
.....But if you...wanted to visit.... or want me back there, just let me know.
I... maybe I'll call you in a bit. It doesn't seem proper saying goodnight on this thing.
Perhaps I will visit again. I do enjoy being at Arthur-san's house... The next Asian tournament is not for some time.
I'm in Ukraine's house still. I;m going to follow the matches. But... we can watch from home, if you prefer?
Ah, will you be there very long?
{{or how?! HUR}}
I will join Arthur-san wherever he wishes to be.
...here. For the football. But I won't drink. So much.
Shall I contact Ukraine-san to let her know I am coming?
I dunno how she's dealing with things. I'm in a hotel.
Ah...Perhaps I will send her a message and let her know that I will be in her country.
But that...Ah... Perhaps that I have accommodations already?
...if you can get us in her house, that'd be nice. But I'm.... I'm not sure she likes me much right now.
Also, just to warn you, since I know how you can be, there's to be no hanky-panky in public.
Things get a little tense around football. And the east.
I do not understand this "hanky-panky". Can you explain?
...oh. Should I leave iPhone at home?
why, what's on it? Have you been downloading more of those cartoons? Because, you know, I don't mind watching them with you.
that first one just took me by surprise
A-ah...no, those are not on my iPhone...
I was.... talking about.... never mind. It was only a joke.
....oh. I apologize. Western humor is still difficult to understand.
....I am sorry.
Basically: Football/Eastern Europe = mild to aggressive homophobia.
Perhaps...I should find different accommodations then.
It's improving but people might still try to beat our heads in.A nd there's all those rules about hurting humans.....
You'll have the room next to mine.
I would not want to inconvenience Arthur-san
Or two single beds in one room.
it's not an inconvenience. I like spending time with you.
Would it not be...suspicious?
the hotels are PACKED. everyone's busy, it's fine.
If it is not...a problem.
Perhaps I should wait until later... I do not wish for Arthur-san to be in danger.
I'm not in any danger. We'll be like secret agents, it'll be fun
....you just made that sexual, didn't you? I knew there was a reason I liked you.
I must leave for the airport soon. I will be in Ukraine-san's house tomorrow.
I-is it flirting?
I'd say so. What would you call it?
I should prepare Pochi-kun for his trip.
Alright. Go get ready, I'll pick up a tourist guide and have a think about what we can do.
I will find a book as well.
I...know I have one here from before...
Chibi is in suitcase.
I'm not sure he'll be safe. Take a photo before you take him out, though.
I'll find a dog sitter for the matches. If...if you're coming to them.
Ah...I would like to see. It is rare I can visit other games.
I just hope we win, then....
I will cheer for you, Arthur-san.
you can cheer for me too
Then I will cheer for Arthur-san as well.
look what I just found
haha! I made you smashkeys.
you do this on purpose now
I find one of Arthur-san.
this is the closest I have to you.
I have this.
how dare they
I am glad then that Arthur-san finds amusement in it.
that there's a photo of you or that you're, h, kawaii
I am...not kawaii.
Photograph is for Arthur-san only.
Well then, I... I'm honoured. And I shall cherish it
It...is not the wrong word. I am just too old to be kawaii.
so, what should I call you?
but hat is it in English? Not that I don't trust you.
I can call you a sweet old dear, if I want to be like that.
you are very sweet though.
Many people say this, that I am not old.
But I have been around since Rome-san was in power.
He was scary man who visit China-san.
a few of us were..... we were just very young
Scary man.
He smelled of old things and hair.
Please keep secret. Italy-kun is very fond of him.
He was loud and annoying and.... kept building bloody walls
At least his walls went places.
...I only remember him from when he visited China-san's house. And after reading about him.
China-san does not enjoy speaking of him.
no, it's fine. I.... don't really care either way.
Arthur-san's Empire spanned very far.
...do you think people still hate me? REALLY hate me?
Ah? No, it was long time ago.
Westerners do not hold grudge like Asians do.
I hope you're right. My brother's hate me enough as it is.
I heard many splendid stories of Arthur-san's Empire while in Isolation.
Arthur-san was very kind to me when I was looking for friends.
Holland-san would tell me stories of the outside world.
....usually followed by warnings of why it was dangerous to go outside.
He wasn't wrong. But I'm glad to have met you.
Yes. ...It was a good Alliance then. And is a good one now.
Oh, I'd say it's very good now. Much better
Arthur-san learns very quickly.
wait, I did? What did I learn?
Yes, the scarecrow face? And Koemojo?
......these are just.... letter combinations to me so far. But I'll hazzard a guess, Emoji = emotes?
kaomoji is that specific face?
Arthur-san learns very quickly.
Kaomoji is any combination of letters that makes face.
....can you show me some examples? And I'll buy you more mikado. Although I prefer pocky, myself.
Ad this is..... an excited emoji
that a face or did you drop your computer again?
why is a part of it flat?
and this one also? It looks like russia with a curl and........ darts being shot at him
Yes. All things have sound.
that's ... beautiful, in a way
to think that everything has a specific sound. Like... Peter and the Wolf. I wonder what my sound would be....
That is something to think on, yes.