sigh that character siblings meme!! i wasnt gonna post but i ranted so much that i guess i might as well, if plurk paste works
latest #24
omg no it isnt NO WHY!!!!!!!!
this is too much text plurk you dickkkkk
i will paste this whether you like it or not ill wait all fucking night to paste it and you will accept my paste
fine i will come back to this plurk later with pastes and everyone will be sorry
paste still 8nt working its awful
most of my tldr was about ocs and renee and nami anyway.......
ok i figured out how to defeat a fault plurk paste
IMAGES im a genius i know
so now im going to do the meme and nothing can stop me
even and homestucks:
my ocs:
some weird guy:
yay washes hands clean of this meme now i never have to deal with it again
it was fun to do until plurk paste happened
like hell i was gonna put that in cut up plurk responses like christ
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