He's a fickle ally and a flighty lover
There always needs to be something in it for him
But if you earn his trust, respect and friendship, you couldn't ask for someone more selfless and loyal
Seriously, he goes into the thick of war for Ashe and Basch and nearly gets Fran and himself killed to save Dalmasca
and this is after his own story arc is done
after the whole 'reason' he was sticking with the group was resolved.
But of course the leading man doesn't die
Still, if you aren't total besties with him, he's not particularly trustworthy 24/7
He's good to his word, but he likes compensation
Balthier doesn't do commitment unless your name is Fran. And even then, I'm pretty sure they're more totes besties who go shopping for
shoes together and have sex on the side than TWUE WUV
I'm not saying it can't happen, it just never has, and I think it's mostly Balthier's own fear of commitment
that aside, sex with him is fucking amazing
He's a very giving partner
just don't expect it to last.
Teddie as a friend is adorable, loyal and utterly accepting of you whatever your faults
He'll trust you if you're nice to him and it takes a lot to break that trust
He's beary sharing and silly, and loves to have fun
On the downside, he's naive and kind of a ditz
he can be a little overbearing and his enthusiasm might make him embarrassing to be around sometimes
As a lover... well. I'm assuming this is Teddie when he's way the fuck older
He'd probably be very playful and enjoy stuff that involves dressing up. He'd be very committed and he'd never cheat
conversely, I think he'd remain on some level pretty immature. Trying to talk about serious stuff with him could prove frustrating
He'd need someone who's got a lot of patience
As a friend... well. This is hard to imagine because canonically, Alice has always been a bit of a loner
Her sister Lizzie was too old to be a proper playmate though she often confided in Alice. Her friends have always been books
I suspect after you get through her many, many walls she'd prove a stalwart friend
both clever and willing to speak her mind, she won't hesitate to speak her mind even if the truth hurts
On the negative side (and it's a big side, Alice is a fairly damaged girl, I'll just cover the big things)
she has a lot of trust issues
You break that bond of trust and it will never be repaired
She's also a sharp-tongued young lady- a lot of what she says can be very hurtful
As a lo- hahahaha no I can't finish that sentence with a straight face
Alice has a lot of mental and emotional trauma to slog through before she can even consider a healthy romance
His friendship is hard to earn, but well worth it. In spite of his claims of having abandoned his honour, he is true and loyal to those he
He can be a bit mother-hennish, since most of his friends are humans now (and why are humans so small ;A
He feels a bit protective of them.
He's a bit more sophisticated than your run in the mill mercenary as well. Under the Qun, he was an arvaarad so it wasn't just his prowess
in battle that was valued. He's not just dumb muscle
He can come off as a bit aloof, however. It's sometimes hard to tell if he likes you or is just putting up with you.
Like Alice he can also be brutally honest- whether you consider this a good thing or not, depends.
As a lover, well. That's complicated and depends entirely on the circumstances
colorsonfire: Teddie has a crush on all the girls :3 It's his default response
Maraas doesn't approach romance the same way as most societies do. He's pretty indifferent to physical expressions of it.
He doesn't have a concept of 'making love' or 'infidelity' . If you're a person he's grown to love, then he will stand by your side.
Were he in that kind of relationship with someone, I expect once those concepts were explained and boundaries established, he'd see no
reason not to integrate them into his own mindset.
But again, for anything to work with him it would take a lot of communication, and he's not a very talkative man.
because he's made of fluff and teddybears<3