I have been on for almost 2 months now and implemented a "former students only" policy to start. When current students have
requested me as a friend, I just tell them, I will gladly add you once you graduate. I understand,
kevinh 's thoughts on parents friending
their students on facebook... but as a HS teacher I know some teachers that do and some that do not... care to help me see both sides of
the issue or your thoughts? TIA
I'd think that "befriending" current students is dangerous at best. I'd still hesitate to add former students. risk>reward.
I think it depends on the maturity level of the student. My older students that graduated when i 1st graduated work well with it
younger ones just want to know whats going on with FFA and School
I don't use facebook but have myspace and have the same rule as you
I would possible make a chapter myspace where students have the ability to share and communicate
that gives you a personal one and a professional one also
I'm not allowing current students on my facebook. Haven't decided at what point I will allow alumni. So far not been an issue
i allow both. i have had some good conversations with sutdents. i think one of the things we have talked about at HHS is getting to know our
students. i look at my facebook as a way to do this. i put nothing on mine that i wouldn't want them to see and hope they do the same.
doesn't depend on student at all. Problem is adults. ANY extra contact is too much for young male teachers.Kids need/appreciate it, but
personal risk is just TOO great!
i quit using facebook, but I didn't add any current students. It is public, so that is defensible, but it does seem to be thin ice
I think the public perception of online contact of adult&child assumes foul play. I wonder if it'll take a generation for that to disappear
Very good points so far by all... keep em coming.
I can see how it can be viewed as a dangerous situation, but as long as it is done in an adult manner I think it
could be benifitial to graduated students who still look for guidance
I know a lot of times I would come to my old high school and felt out of place but if i had a place where i can contact
my old teacher it would be easier to ask questions
15 ears ago I coached HS Swimming. Kids used to stop at my house. I was in late 20s.Was accused of stuff (CLEARED) that never happened by
parents. Kids never said anything did & defended me. I've had 7th graders "stalk" me, even talked to admin & parents 'bout it. When kids are
involved there is a great risk that is NOT rational or reasonable. DON'T put yourself in that position, even if you think it is best for
I agree that there is a great risk when you visit with student during personal time. I visit students during SAE visits
most of the time parents are around and I could easliy be placed in that same situation as with other ag teachers
I think that facebook and myspace takes away some of the personal contact and provides a type of barrier that is
monitored by you and can even keep records of both actions by both parties
I think it can be postive and negative, we must treat this like any other tool and use it in a responsible manner
if it is proper "plurk" etiquette to to "Bump" a plurk like you would in a message board??? OK, I will just risk it.... BUMP!