I kind of like playing this older fucked-up version of him and I would like to keep doing it, whether it's in a game or in the T9 musebox.
Musebox seems simplest, but...how many people are using it?
If I try to stick him in another game, it has to be a game that allows previous game AU's -
which, it does seem like there's more of those floating around now
and there are certain amenities I'm looking for, like being plot-oriented and letting him keep the Geno Saurer and all that crap.
Which just makes me realize what a good thing I had at Trans that I never took full advantage of. Hngh.
Insofar as games go, I've been eying Ataraxion or maybe Alpan Station, leaning toward the former but not totally sold on either of them.
I'm not in a super hurry to settle in anywhere, so I'm kind of just...hanging out and seeing what crops up.
Maybe I'll find that I don't want to play him as much as I thought I did. I have been wondering if maybe it's just time to let him go.
I've been playing this particular iteration of him for...five years now? Close to six, I think.
Fresh-from-canon Jamie is fun to play too
(and easier to keep active because he's not just CRAWLING IN HIS SKIIIIIINNN in his Zoid's cockpit or w/e)
NO YOU MAY LAUGH AT HIS EMO it's p. over the top
I admit it
But there are a couple of games I've been thinking of apping him into. Argh why do I like playing this stupid character so much.
BUT insofar as older!Jamie goes
I like playing this kid whose comfortable worldview has been kind of violently broken apart
as he's been exposed to horrible traumatizing stuff
and figuring out how to have him cope with it all and, ideally, come to terms with it.
I wanna see him deal with his Issues, man.
From a narrative standpoint, it would be nice to have closure.
And to get to explore some of the other things I was contemplating for him but was too inactive to try to implement.
But. I'm concerned that he's barely recognizable as the character he originally was.
Like I can explain his development and it all makes sense to me, but does it make sense to anyone else?
Can an outside observer see where and why I made the changes I did to his characterization?
Or does he just look like a horrible OC or something?
...also I'm paranoid that my desire to skip him from game to game like this
going to invoke Renne and make people curl their lip and heave rocks at me.
Aaanyway. /thoughts on yaoi. I'm indecisive and lazy, news at 11.
it lets him sprout 13 rainbow-hued wings from his back
shouldn't be laughing this hard omg XD
You're welcome to bring him (and import CR) to Winter!
I'd love to see you there
Aww, thank you! I'll take a look at it.
XD I'm sure you'll find a fun place to send him to.