Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
...huh. Is anyone else seeing that Plurk did something new with pictures?
latest #30
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
i think i like it
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
even though it's very obviously stolen from FB
12 years ago
12 years ago
i hate it :CCCC
12 years ago
But I don't like change so..
12 years ago
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
i can switch between pics without people commenting and jumping down the plurk
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
which is always super annoying to me
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
soooo i think i like it
12 years ago
That's fair. :-)
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
12 years ago
Yeah, at first I was like But it is nice to be able to read things without losing your place.
12 years ago
I think I like this change. or else sometimes it's so hard to leave the computer and then return
a yam.
12 years ago
I like it they just need to add a reply box at the bottom, seems 100% obvious to do that..
a yam.
12 years ago
maybe they're working on it
yes it is brilliant and amazing and YEEEEEES
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
minako134: LOL i was looking for that
12 years ago
Yeah. Basically, I like the idea but wish it was more properly integrated into their existing technical structure.
12 years ago
It sticks out like a sore thumb.
12 years ago
Otherwise, I think I'm alright with it but really want a reply box right there for convenience.
12 years ago
I'm guessing they want to put one there and just haven't completed implementation. Or, that's my hope at the very least.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
yeah, i hope so too
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
it just seems so obvious, i wonder how much harder it is to add one on there
12 years ago
I would guess that they're probably working on it,
12 years ago
but wanted to get the feature in place before all the bugs were worked out because they can get the ads up this way.
12 years ago
Then they have whatever revenue the ads at the bottom bring in and can work out the reply box kink at their leisure.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
true enough XD
12 years ago
I'll admit, as far as working ads in goes, this is far less hamfisted than their last attempt, so I'm all for it.
12 years ago
(Those little bars that were at the top of plurks some months(?) ago drove me mad.)
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
yeah, those were super annoying
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