i just want to hide in my room forever
i'm not sure which is me and which is you there XD
also i'm already kind of wondering what the fuck i'm doing in Citadel, since i'm still kind of struggling with tags
adulthood why must you be difficult
I have this desire sometimes, to just hole up in my own little world away from work and bills and such
i honestly feel i'd be less stressed if i a. had a job and b. was away from my folks
but that'll take a fucking miracle
/head thump against wall...
i think it'll get fun, once i have it a little more under my control
jobs are such a pain these days
and yeah, it will... though i will say that being more or less forced to care for my grandma has effectively turned me off of ever having
so that's one less thing i have to worry about saving for
..maybe i should go on hiatus again/drop Citadel
the only thing is i don't know how long for...
and as it is i'm barely keeping touch with what's going on in the game
so i don't overwhelm myself by tagging too many things
...maybe it would help if i just dropped the majority of the threads i currently have going?
i'm honestly not sure here, i just. Need to do something? i guess...
i keep on saying i need to spend less time on plurk, but that never works so w/e
i refuse to drop Scorched, lol
not that i was even considering it...
i'm having one of those weeks too. and yeah, i havent really...gotten the hang of citadel yet so i'm sorta just hanging on the outside lol
Citadel looks so awesome, and i had awesome plans for it... but i honestly think that two characters/one game is my limit rn
i'll give it a little time, i would hate to drop and then realize i'd wanted to stay
but... that's where i'm at right now
hey, that's totally fair, im in three games now and i have no idea if thats gonna stay a thing or not
i'm always impressed by people who can do that /sob
but yeah, i think if you give yourself some time away from it just to think it over it might be a good idea
and terrified by those who play in five or more
haha im barely doing anything at all in citadel and ive made one post and replied to one in adsting, so yeah. this might not be sustainable
...yeah. This whole RL situation is stressing me and i don't want to let it force me to do somehting i'd regret
so maybe i'll take a longer hiatus at Scorched shortly here
nawww, yeah, id say a break is definitely better for right now than making any rash decisions on anything <3
the RL stress never helps either, and tends to compound things, stupid life.
...i'm still going to think about it some before i go on hiatus, since those can be traumatic to people in-game, too
it truly is. and yeah, i think sleeping on it is always a good idea <3
oh hi this is also me
LOL i might take you up on that
but seriously /snugs and you can talk to me anytime, okay? i'm utter fail at people and life but i can listen lol
ahha, i'll keep it in mind, thank you
but i think whining here helped a lot already