crystldalrs says
12 years ago
Freddy is sitting on stevens lap and just sayig dada daadaa. I wanna cry. These next 28 days are gonna be hard bc steven has spent so much
latest #7
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
Time with him here at home. He played with him so much. And frederick now cries when he leaves. Of course i can distract him. But it still
crystldalrs says
12 years ago
Breaks my heart. This job is gonna be tough. Especially as he gets older!
12 years ago
:-( (cozy)
MrsDemkowicz says
12 years ago
BOKAD says
12 years ago
(cozy) it really is harder when they start to fully understand but you figure out ways to deal with it. It doesn't necessarily get easier
BOKAD says
12 years ago
you just learn to adapt better and how to cope with it. (cozy) I know how much the in and out, in and out stuff sucks. We did that the first
BOKAD says
12 years ago
2 years of A's life. :-(
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