actorschmactor says
12 years ago
anyone know a 20-something girl with a nice rack who is free to do a musical in a week-and-a-half? Yeah, me neither.
latest #18
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
did I mention it's for furries? Yeah, it is.
mcolavolpe says
12 years ago
and don't forget the extravagant pay...
Iagad says
12 years ago
Did the other girl back out? Hell. My answer would be beg Michele Feren cause she can learn quick. Or call Mitzi morris. ;-)
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
both are unavailable. I already checked.
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
(Michele wasn't comfortable with it in the timeframe - she's moving next week AND starting PL rehearsals)
Iagad says
12 years ago
Didn't think about her moving as a factor. Erin Brenna is crazy, but I bet she'd say yes.
Iagad says
12 years ago
And I think she could learn it that fast. Or Summer Aiello, definitely could. She got kind of a baby face.
mcolavolpe says
12 years ago
Erin Brenna said no, apparently. He prob didn't ask Summer since she isn't right physically. We now have Julie Modzy Woods-Robinson.
mcolavolpe says
12 years ago
I learned Nemo with her, she's a-ok!
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
but if I'd have woken up to an email that said it was Erin Brenna - I might have walked right there.
mcolavolpe says
12 years ago
i don't know her, but now I"m intrigued!
Iagad says
12 years ago
I hope you all survive this, with sanity intact.
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
I know OF her (and ive seen her.) she now works at Sleuths too. she's crazy. like ... crazy crazy.
mcolavolpe says
12 years ago
then of COURSE she was hired at Sleuths!
Iagad says
12 years ago
But we can't have Trenell.
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
but we don't need more kitchen staff.
actorschmactor says
12 years ago
(that's THEM saying that, not me)
Iagad says
12 years ago
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