Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
latest #37
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
that's actually... a real chicken
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
but i still think it's funny to call it a 'floatation device'
; A; Holy crap I miss having chickens for petsakjfdhlksgs
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
i got to 'have' chickens when i was in Europe
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
one of the places we stayed had a half-dozen of them and a couple of sheep
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
the silly things were always getting out (there was a bit of chickenwire that wasn't totally secured) and i spent a lot of my time
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
catching them
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
mostly b/c i wanted to XD
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
silly things would get out and then not remember that the way back in was way down at the other side of the fence
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
they wanted to get in the gate b/c it was closest to the rest of the chickens
LOL the first pen we gave my chickens had an enclosed house with some fencing attached to it, and they were getting out everyday...but never
wandered off too far, so it was never a huge issue.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
someone i know put it best when i described the behavior to him...
We were just concerned about coyotes, so we had to build a new one with a fully enclosed 'yard' area.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
'they want to get away from teh rest to find food the others aren't getting, but then they remember that they're lonely'
Aww ; w;
I got to raise mine from chicks; THEY'RE SO CUTE.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
i got to hold a chick once, it was so... teensy and scared and a;dfjls;fjl
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
also i think it peed on me XD
Yeah they do that ;__;
Mine were pretty chill...so much so that they would fall asleep in the feeder or water dish. ; A;
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
well the ones i got to hold had also just experienced a scary car ride, so i could hardly blame the poor little things
;__; oh my god nooooooo
We brought mine home in a deluxe-sized cereal box, so I understand their shock.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
they had a nice big cat carrier, i think... but yeah, they were pretty scared
You know what's also awesome? PET TURKEYS.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
woah, how are they as pets?
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
i've always heard that the tame ones were stupid..
Mine weren't...in fact after all of my poultry-pets got older, the chickens became more skittish and the turkeys were more friendly with me.
(The chickens did more in the means of hunting insects, but...)
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
huh, interesting
I had three females, and one ran away never to be seen again. ;__; And the two remaining were depressed for a few weeks.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
12 years ago
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