for those of you counting pennies, Lunch is paid for, but you're buying your own drinks, I'm afraid.
...yes, in fact I did, London. From the kitchen. If you're going to hack peoples accounts and be a dick
try not to laugh about it out loud when they're in the next room.
And stop hacking Bond's account! That's British Intelligence property!
Yes, and such intelligence it is when they don't even change the original password. It was welshl33k, by the way.
I've changed it to something he'll never gu_ixdzs
Such a prat, London. And you can stop that noise, I'm not helping.
...the mayhem aside, Amerique and I will put out good health at risk and join you.
(don't worry, mon etoile, we'll eat before we go)
You realise we can still read, even if you put it in brackets, right?
You realise I don't care.
Becoming properly Americanised, I see
I like his style of the tongue.
What's London doing with Bond's account?
Buggering it up, probably.
Does he need another lesson?