Berry Teacups
12 years ago
[RP] Reading threads, posts, and logs had me wondering... do you prefer positive CR or negative CR? Which one is more fun to you?
latest #6
Rizzaria 🔥
12 years ago
(thinking) Both can be a lot of fun! Positive CR is good for the fuzzies, while negative is good for that antagonistic fun
Y O H A N E ⋆
12 years ago
I think both are equally fun! To be honest I find it a bit boring if a character doesnt have conflict with at least one person, or no
Y O H A N E ⋆
12 years ago
positive interactions at all
√ 3
12 years ago
I am going to be difficult. :| My favorite CR is a combination of both. I really like the entire human struggle, so positive CR with rocky,
√ 3
12 years ago
negative moments is the best.
Berry Teacups
12 years ago
You guys are right. When you have too much of one thing, it gets pretty dull. So yeah, evening things out is a good thing.
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