12 years ago
That episode of the Kardashians was amazing!!
latest #11
Le Pumpkin
12 years ago
said no one, ever :-P
12 years ago
something you don't hear every day
ReoBlinker says
12 years ago
(LOL) I can't wait till next week, it was a "to be continued" AAHH (lmao)
Le Pumpkin
12 years ago
oy gevalt
JNT says
12 years ago
the oprah one? oh yeah lol
ReoBlinker says
12 years ago
mhm the Oprah one :-D the ending with rob OMFG I was like :-o
JNT says
12 years ago
i kinda feel bad for him and wanna punch kim
ReoBlinker says
12 years ago
Yeah, they could just help him a tiny bit it wouldn't really hurt them
12 years ago
They help each other, not really sure why they can't help their brother. And really Kim is just not a good older sister. That's why I don't
12 years ago
get how she got offended when she wasn't named guardian of Mason.
ReoBlinker says
12 years ago
So true
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