thesilverpumpkin has
12 years ago
just placed lip balm order at wolfe farms. candy corn lip balm and choc mint lip balm!!!
latest #6
knittinwolf says
12 years ago
thesilverpumpkin says
12 years ago
are they edible dawn? i might be eating them!
knittinwolf says
12 years ago
yup, fat free, calorie free, lol
birdlegbags says
12 years ago
thesilverpumpkin: Everyone's going to want to kiss you!
thesilverpumpkin has
12 years ago
vickiek: you say the funniest things. i have the coffee right now and i keep wishing i could lick and get a caffeine burst.
Catiecatknits says
12 years ago
and gluten free too right? I know I keep asking-and 1 day I'll remember the answer-as soon as we're back to 2 incomes I'm placing an order
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