I don't feel like tagging the lot of you today
Er, the journal listed as Dhaos' is actually Wheatley's, and "expert" got typo'd as "exoert".
.....yeah. I expected that xD
...At one point, EVERYONE was Wheatley
DW gave me so much troube with that damned entry
So now just Dhaos is Wheatley. XD
/had that saved somewhere
im onceler. xD
so i can live with that
...It was more compact that "MILES HOW DO I DO THIS IS THIS LOUD ENOUGH MILES"
which one is Luna's plurk... /looks through the list
asdkjhdskfjhds Dhaos Ate Whealtey
or Wheatley merged into Dhaos
So it's either... well, not caniballism since Dhaos isn't human and Wheatley doesn't think of himself as one...
....THere WAS a Wheatley there though
So either doing something considered socially unacceptable in most places, or a fusion dance.
Like this, except replace Sekundes with Wheatley. XD
What are they wearing even
Sekundes is a type of spirit thing, so we'd never know if that was actually part of his body or not. :|
...And Dhaos is a space alien.
But yeah, he's been wearing the cloak and bodysuit combo this entiiiiiire time.
...Except during the Family Event, because it was much too hot for his regular outfit.
ahaha;; the depressed icon;; ;3;
...That was the first one I saw and went with it
Because i referred back to his drop post XD;;;;
how do you do these amazing things
I've been music-ing for years. XD;
ugh. you and your musicking talents :\
...The only ones who know I do these things so far
...are pretty much you guys. Hardly anyone else knows I do this as a hobby :/
And I haven't actually gotten to hear anything yet, sadly. :<
I am still working on one involving Dhaos and Elinor so I'll be making an entry with that one next
Although Dhaos is in two of them already
.....Yeah. Sorry about that.
Xd, this is the most hilarious typo