i want to get out of this house
i want to go on facebook and not feel seething jealousy
my mom doesnt understand at all neither does my dad
they keep trying to tell me its not bad but it is!! and its all my fault that i hate fiu
commuter schools are different
if i were to make a buttload of friends its not going to be the same as if i were w/ them 24/7 which dorming does
its gonna be like high school again where making plans is a hassle because everyone lives in buttfuck nowhere and its difficult
and no one wants to fucking talk to you in fiu its actually atrocious
none of the clubs care about advertising that, hey!! we are here join us!!!, because everyone has their own lives
outside of school that they have to attend to
i dont understand how my parents could literally lie to my face and say its my fault that im not taking it as the "college experience"
and theyre like "well you can get out at any time you want so its not like highschool!!"
i signed myself out of high school sometimes, i did NOTHING all of high school all the time
so angry with how my life is right now
im just so freaking upset with everything i cant explain
i miss my friends i miss going out i miss just talking to them and knowing they understand
at the same time i hate that they get to make new friends, friends that will last them forever and im stuck at this selfabsorbed
school where everyone is just looking forward to getting the fuck out of there at 5pm
i need to check my bank account because i really am going to apply back to alabama
in fact im going to do it right now