12 years ago
這禮拜上課簡直是一場玩笑, 原本不錯的班級也起轟很鬧. >~< 今天發生兩件截然不同的事.
第一件在三年級, 一位學生對我說
latest #8
12 years ago
" You are mean, because you yelled." @~@ (我哭笑不得) I said to her:" Do you think I like to yelled?
12 years ago
Listen to your class now then tell me can everybody hear me if I use the voice I talk to you now to talk to everybody?
12 years ago
She just silent and shake her head. Later I call her on the side and have little talk with her. I think that work because I know she was writing something.
12 years ago
When the class over she hand it to me. That letter she try to give to her homeroom teacher but end out she gave it to me and
12 years ago
funny thing is her classmate also wrote something for me to apology for the class acting not respect to me and tell me what I should do. >0< what a different thing.
12 years ago
12 years ago
學生有學生的想法, 記得自己在當學生時, 對老師們的看法也很多.
12 years ago
(LOL) 沒錯
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