i hear they make slippers too...
did you see that ridiculous tirade?
(you know you love me...)
she is sooooo scared of Lisa it's almost comical
and we need to get Lisa plurking
I did not see the tirade - link me. I don't want to dig through all the myspace shit to find her
OOOOOOOOO I feel out of the loop!
plurk makes me miss the myspace drama
*whew* I am not the only one that doesnt know
yeah, all the bestest myspacers are right here. what do I need myspace for?
I'm okay without the myspace drama
i really don't get involved but some of it is crazy to watch
true. watching isn't bad. I got involved once. Won't do it again.
yea, I try to stay out of it too.. especially since I am not on there much anymore
I got pulled in once and I was pissed because I had nothing to do with anything
I just lurk in those blogs and read what all is going on
I used to get involved a LOT. Was kinda the hitman of myspace for
hold really is comical
I think I'm gonna Bulletin instead of blog
anyone seen 'Hairspray'? the one with John Travolta?
THAT is what ruby looks like....Edna Turnblatt
someone needs MEDS STAT (and NOT the street pharm type)
can't I just have the endless sex bandwagon? When is that coming around again?
as long as you're not wearing RUBY you can have anything you desire