ezuraXue is
12 years ago
(woot) :-o Really not sure how this thing work (LOL)
latest #12
SHAYnyXmasStar says
12 years ago
it`s easy, you will get addicted easily :-D
Anessa says
12 years ago
Paco Pooley
12 years ago
yeah - it really is easy - you will get used to it like in no time
Dagmar Haiku
12 years ago
yay you are back
12 years ago
hehe it's like doing the hokey pokey. You put your right plurk in, out, in, out and shake it all about!
12 years ago
and wow that was obscene..hehehe
ezuraXue says
12 years ago
Ranariee: not so easy for me, i always get frustrated with plurk lol. that's why i always on and off here. it's just my brain...never work...everrrrrrr lol
ezuraXue says
12 years ago
PacoPooley: so hardddd for mehhhh lol
ezuraXue says
12 years ago
DagmarHaiku: yay! i hope so lol
ezuraXue says
12 years ago
Tigist: wish it is as easy as hokey pokey! :-&
ezuraXue says
12 years ago
oakley_foxtrot: tysm! sorry everyone for the late reply. i didn't even know that i got a reply here lmao. no notification or whatsoever. i have make sure anything happened here to send me email...but nothing!
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