I got a boyfriend... but he might be an ass.
latest #11
Uh... good things or bad things first?
He's from Colorado. Has dreads. Seems nice. Is very earth-bound in a tree way. He is kind, and honest (I think? I'm not as sure anymore), and I think he has a reason he does everything he does
and I dont think he is trying to bring chaos amongst my friends group on purpose.
He is playful and lies in a playful fashion, but doesn't always know when to stop when he's gone to far. He's muscular... tee hee... and uh stuff
huh idk he sounds nice but conniving and bros before hoes dude
but i can't really give any advice, the two relationships i've seen have both ended in divorce and i've never dated anyone so
Not sure how much I can be back. I really need to clean up my mess so I can find my ethernet cable. Thanks anyway.
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