if i get a little upset ovet ppl using my laptop
stephanie said she wanted to get answers for something from her email and i was a little uncomfortable bcas i am rly possessivr over stuff
and now she is looking up how her admissiobs are goibg and random news articles
stephanie doesnt know a lot about boundaries lmfao
idk if you have noticed but she is like perpetually stuck with the social graces of a 10 y/o
you don't have to be like really serious or anything
because then you'll freak her out
but just put it out there she doesn't care
i feel like i am the mother right now telling the babysitter how to handle her child lol
i'm gonna risk sounding like a shit friend to her but i'm gonna be really real rn because i realized this is the only way i knew how to tell her shit so that she would listen
i would literally just yell at her
it wasn't like legitimate anger or serious it was just messing around like i'd be like
"what the fuck are you doing" or "can you stop you look dumb"
something along those lines? idk how to explain it really
it was sort of like pointless yelling to anyone else but she would laugh and stop
idk if that would work for anyone else in the world though except me
bcas that's just how we were....
oh and her mom lol i remember one time we were at her house and her mom was being her usual sassy lil self
and monterrosa was like "now we know how to get stephanie to do stuff. we yell at her"
according to her i treat her the best out of all her friends besides her best friend so
??????????????? stephanie
i would feel weird yelling at her but its also weird kowtowing to her whims so ill try
yeah i mean don't actually yell at her LMFAO
like i guess the key is ~playful agitation~
that literally makes no sense
i actually have no idea how to describe this to you i'm sorry
but that's how i would deal with her when she would do something dumb ~_~
ok like say we would be having lunch and i would buy a water bottle
and she would just take my water bottle and drink from it without asking me
this actually happened like 390485039485039405 times
like it would bother me but not to the point of actual anger
but i would say something like "um excuse did i give u permission to drink from dis water"
shes does this all the time to me and eats my food if i get something different lol...
djfhksajdfkas idk like i know she is difficult to deal with soemtimes
because she has no idea that what she is doing is crossing like 17 million different lines
like i dont even do that with my best friend so its like...aniya...
you can tell her after awhile though like "you do this and it legitimately bothers me so please stop"
or "ask if you want something and i will tell you"
she will not take it personally i promise
and idk wheb to be like "goodbye stephanie" bcas we have the first class of the morning togrther and my next cladd is as 4 and hers are
at 1 so shes like glued to me and idk what to do im puke
you have to tell her things like bluntly for her to understand
i mean if it's that much of a problem you can just be like "i want to be by myself for awhile i'll see you tomorrow"
i'm scared for her sanity when she moves out lol
omfg she also logged me off facebook wtf