Was listening to this in my car and thought OMG THE LYRICS
I don't know if it goes on my Jimlock playlist but SO MANY HEARTS FOR IGGY AZALEA
it definitely has a certain crack value XD
Also suddenly ALL my picks feel cracky.
I don't have a playlist, I just have that song XD
I playlist everything, but I've never written Jim and Sherlock much... which now strikes me as bizarre.
YouTube par example (cracky and otherwise
That's the point!! CRACK! Because Jim is ALL ABOUT THE CRACK.
OH MY GOD?!!!! Dare I ask if you like dance music? /holds breath
Props for knowing/liking/posting Iggy Azalea.
I need to answer that question with a quote.
OH LOVE THIS. The Like. The lyrics!! And I love the chick's Twiggy look. Katzenjammer won't load, dammit!?
"If there was a country in the world called Funia, Disco House would be its national anthem, as well as the name of its capital city. Everyone would be free, easy, super and gay.
COULD I HEART YOU ANY MORE?!?!?!?!!!! I'm super, thanks for asking.
I was once walking down the street late one night and a hooker called to me from the curb, asking me if I was looking for some fun. 'No thanks, Miss,' I replied, pulling out a pair of headphones.
'I've got Disco House, the most fun there is.' She nodded completely in agreement. 'Word. Be on your way, then.'"
In summary, yes, I love electronic music, among other genres
NAME FIVE. /rubs palms together.
christ that's even harder
Favorites. Your standbys.
ok standbys only five ok i can do this.
look randomly and in no particular order of importance, daft punk, tom waits, nick drake, sisters of mercy, joy division, basement jaxx, dj earworm, azealia banks, the arcade fire, steve aoki, the chemical brot
AZEALIA BANKS!!!!!!! /flails
DAFT FUCKING PUNK!!!!!!! AOKI!!!!!!! CHEM!!!!!!!
Oh God I'm hyperventilating. NO ONE likes my music. NO ONE.
Do you. Know who Annie Mac is. And, do you like Calvin Harris. /holds breath
I have photos. These were taken in Dallas October 12. WHEN WE SAW NEW ORDER.
I've heard of Annie Mac and I do dig on Calvin Harris.
Whoops!! Wrong pic! That's my sister in her NO shirt we got her. Hold up.
Annie Mac is my HERO and Calvin is.....CALVIN. /sigh
That shirt I bought in Camden in March when I was out there visiting friends.
I had never seen a shirt like that before. Had to have it.