That means no more hotmail.
We're all gonna have to move to outlook.
You can't talk to people that don't have the new merged MSN and Skype..
So if they don't get that, you're screwed.
And some sites are going to have to make people create whole new accounts because of hotmail being gone.
where did you hear this..
My friend is reading something from 4 days ago though. Those were made on the 31st of July..
Yeah. She's giving me links now.
This one is from August first
yeah and I don't see anything about instant messaging programs
it looks mostly e-mail based
from what i've heard, hotmail is going to be gotten rid of.
it's gonna have to be @ outlook
that's what i've been hearing. i'm looking it up now
Yeah, 'not yet.' I've been hearing that around march they're gonna force it.
and if they get rid of hotmail, that means that your @ hotmail is gonna be gone, which means everything you use a hotmail account for is gonna have to be changed
that's the only thing i'm worried about
i don't see why they would do that, because it causes that problem
but, my friend downloaded the merged messenger thing and she couldn't talk to --to make more money.
but she said she couldn't talk to anyone that didn't have the merged messenger..
skype rakes in a shit ton of money
they're going to be forcing you to merge over though, to get a cut of the profit.
if they're merged with skype, they get a cut of skype's profits
what merged messenger? all i saw in these articles was the outlook e-mail page
okay i think i see the article your friend was reading
apparently it just happened a few days ago, they signed a thing to merge the two messengers so that when you sign into skype, you can see your msn contacts too
yeah, it looks like what they're getting rid of is windows live messenger
as long as they don't get rid of the hotmail accounts..
though imma be sad 'cause if they do this, you're gonna lose a lot of personalization that MSN gives you as far as names and stuff goes