12 years ago
Asking help again xD Apparently the creator of the boots doesn't know how to fix the issue. I have the dae and obj files and willing to pay if you can help of course.
latest #26
12 years ago
Reminder : the issue being when worn, the boots in white doesn't show the same on many sky settings :
12 years ago
Both boots are blank color, both with same settings, non full bright and its only when you wear them. I would love to do them in white and clear colors but i can't decently sell them like this :-( Thank you <3
12 years ago
I just had a similar issue with hair and Niran's viewer. Certain windlights make certain sections appear a different color. So although I can't help, I don't know if it's the actual build or something to do
12 years ago
with viewers?
12 years ago
I didn't make the hair but it was from a very trusted designer and up until today, the issue was non-existent for me
12 years ago
good point, i tried only with firestorm
12 years ago
and right i think it's lamb who had a similar issue, but i don't remember if she said how she fixed it
12 years ago
there was two settings I played with that I normally don't in Nirans: tone mapping and High Precision Rendering.
12 years ago
nope, it's gamma correction in Nirans that does it. Turns this particular hair in certain sections from red to a light pink
12 years ago
hum i don't have that in firestorm i thin, but if i uncheck basic shaders its almost good. Of course in midday its ok but i HATE midday sky lol
12 years ago
Im not sure that's the same thing going on here. On those boots, when viewed from the front one boot will look right, the other will look off. Turn around and the other boot looks wrong. shrugs
12 years ago
so it alters as to which boot looks wrong based on where the camera is angled?
12 years ago
also..mid day is the latest rage....make it so :-P
12 years ago
here from the back in Nam's optimal Skin and Prim sky (which i use for my vendors)
12 years ago
and have never used FS so not a clue if I was actually helpful or not. Viewer wise, if it depends on camera angle, it might be a shadow issue. I would suggest the PITA manually clearing caches and
12 years ago
Camera/angle of the sun, yes. One boot will look correct, the other will look as if it's set to full bright
12 years ago
trying it on the official viewer just to see?
12 years ago
that does almost seem like some sort of weird shadow issue or windlight issue to a degree.
12 years ago
unfortunately i think its the mesh which needs to be corrected, and yus cleared cache already its the same
12 years ago
sounds like the normals might be messed up on one side - have you checked in blender?
12 years ago
i have no knowledge in blender, its why i'm asking to help a poor blond girl xD
Maggiedoll says
12 years ago
Looks like mirroring the boot probably flipped the normals.
Maggiedoll says
12 years ago
oh, jackalennui beat me to it. Oops
Maggiedoll says
12 years ago
Was it the creator who made the mesh or was it a mesh that they bought?
12 years ago
hai sweet and as far as i know the creator made the mesh, she said she asked in several support group but didn't get the right help yet
Maggiedoll says
12 years ago
I'm pretty sure that the normals are flipped, probably on the right boot. (the one on the left in the picture.)
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