12 years ago
I don't want to keep saying about how terrible my day is. I feel like I let you all down when I talk about these things. I want you all to be happy.. especially when we all have our own problems to deal with...
latest #12
12 years ago
12 years ago
I think i'm just going to go to sleep and hopefully everything happening here will blow over but... I don't know.
Dem Vessels
12 years ago
I don't know either. I hope so though. ;~; You're going through enough shit as it is.
12 years ago
RevenantsRepose: hugs I hope you're okay and doing well!
Dem Vessels
12 years ago
I am trying! I just got off a ten hour shift. My body is aching. ;~;
12 years ago
RevenantsRepose: I know... I know exactly how that feels. When you get home, you plop on the couch and don't ever want to get up.
12 years ago
Or you snuggle in bed.
12 years ago
12 years ago
believe me, I whine enough around here, but it helps to let those things out... and I'm more than willing to read about your problems and try to offer some help or just a hug
12 years ago
selana: Thank you so much, you are an amazing person. I love reading all of your posts. You went through so many things lately and you inspire me to be such a strong person. hug I only hope it gets better
12 years ago
for all of us.
12 years ago
I hope the same
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