12 years ago
I've been thinking about how my professor is right. You can't ever have friends for life. Your family are your only friends for life.
latest #7
12 years ago
It's human nature to feel lonely when you can't label someone your best friend. But our best friends are our family members because friends inevitably drift. And just because after a few years, you talk again
12 years ago
and everything feels the same doesn't mean you're close that you understand each other...it just means that you choose not to talk about the things that have changed so that both can be in that comfort zone.
12 years ago
12 years ago
You choose to talk about memories because that's something you both share but you can't seem to talk about the present because you are no longer friends like that.
12 years ago
Just mindless wondering. Something I just needed to come to accept.
12 years ago
well i feel like that is true. if you think about it that is what is happening to us but I feel like we are responsible to keep that friendship and closeness alive. its up to us to talk abut our presents
12 years ago
and get out of our comfort zone. its up to us to share our success and our failures. Its up to us to keep in touch. we need to keep this friendhip alive and keep being close friends
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